stop renting, start living.

Your beautiful forever home is waiting in Queensland– only a 2% upfront deposit, no hidden fees, no BS.  


A new path to responsible home-ownership that could have you in your own place within months.


If you’re reading this, you already know it can take years and years of careful saving to finally have enough for a deposit—with the housing market (alongside your rent and stress-levels) potentially going up the whole time. 

So, we started thinking. What if there was a way you could live in your own home now and lock in a price today?  

Even better, what if the money that you were already paying in rent could actually be put toward your deposit?

 Spoiler alert: we found a way to do it.


How much money could you save by buying your home through H2O?


Think it sounds too good to be true? Here’s how it works. 

So, here’s our affordability model in a nutshell.

We make our money from developers who want to sell property.


Pay 2% deposit upfront (instead of 10%)


Make payments for 12-24 months while living in the property - no interest


Settle on the property with 10% deposit


You’re right to be cautious; We value transparency in everything we do and welcome your questions. We even have a nifty FAQ.

Between 2018 and 2020, Australian developers decided to capitalise on the crazy-strong buyer interest and went a bit nuts, building a tonne of housing (probably millions of tonnes actually). Unfortunately for them, they could not have anticipated losing nearly all their overseas buyer market to Covid-19 shut-downs a few years later.

We connect with these developers, and offer those homes to you—with the understanding that you can move in to your new home within 30 days and pay only a 2% deposit upfront. Your subsequent payments (usually just slightly more than market rent) all go toward paying off your balance deposit.  

Everything is done under an REIQ contract adapted to comply with the Queensland Property Law Act. No interest on deposit payments, no hidden fees, no silly business.


Ready to check it out for yourself? 

We have a portfolio of incredible homes for you to choose from. Think of this as a real estate marketing platform - you can book a tour, walk through the homes, ask us any questions, etc.  

The first step is to get in touch, and we will walk you through the entire process and discuss your options with you.


Don’t need a home, but interested in investment opportunities?

Great thinking.

Here at H20 we see this as one of the most exciting options looming. Lock in the contract price today and accumulate your property portfolio faster.